acum 12 ani
Diabetul zaharat apare datorita secretiei insuficiente de insulina secretata de pancreas. Aceasta insuficienta poate fi suplinita prin tratament -comprimate sau , cand secretia de insulina este aproape nula, prin insulina. De asemenea, regimul dietetic este esential
Asadar, nu putem vorbi de o vindecare in cazul unui diagnostic de diabet zaharat bine stabilit, cand celulele pancreatice producatoare de insulina sunt distruse si nu mai functioneaza in paramentri normali.
acum 11 ani
Buna. Am o sora de 4ani si ia iesit la analize diabet. Nu stiu daca e de tip 1 sau 2. İntrebarea mea e ca se mai poate vindeca daca are o varsta frageda?
acum 12 ani
buna ma numesc adriana si am 24 de ani si sunt de la varstra de 10 ani cu diabet de 2 ani am ceva complicati la rinichi nefropatie diabetica am facut 3luni tratament ma mai vindec sau ce ar trebui sa fac
acum 12 ani
Vindecarea diabetului iese din discutie.
Este important sa fiti evaluata periodic pentru a tine glicemiile sub control si a preveni complicatiile ( nefropatia diabetica fiind una dintre ele).
acum 8 ani
Apptrenaly this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin'' ''bout.
acum 8 ani
ÄŒEZ je tÅ™eba zprivatizovat tÄ›snÄ› pÅ™ed výplatou dividend. Tyto pak kupjÃcà jako prebendu pÅ™enechá pr¡ovajÃÃcÃdmu (ÄŒR), tedy spÃÅ¡e jeho zástupci (zachránci národa z ODS). Aneb jak se Å™Ãkávalo : výdobytky socialismu prožereme ústy svých volených zástupců
acum 8 ani
LOL !!!For Talaash, few HW movies and few books and post is rea#8&dy230;Can you imagine any such movies w/o scene’s lifted from HW movies ???Creative thinking is not easy [url=]dgtrhf[/url] [link=]vtyuvhuouk[/link]
acum 8 ani
| oh and really enjoyed this interview. Great questions, i believe this will answer many many questions people ask themselves when they see SO1MRT7;s album cover. lol.I too have met Micah, as well as the band, and they are, as you say, down to earth. Awesome bunch of guys. Cant say enough about these guys.
acum 8 ani
Is it bad that I think you look like a Ralph Lauren model? I mean tht&;#39as good in my book to be all tall, stunning, and giving classics a sexy twist. Is it bad that I think your coat should be on The List? Or that I may have virtually slobbered on it just a wee bit?... [url=]glcmlk[/url] [link=]antkqxluvj[/link]
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