Postata de DMB cu 14 ani in urma.
Salut! am o stare subfebrila de 2 inceput a debutat dupa ce am mancat mici a 2a zi mi-au aparut urticarie pe mine, am crezut ca e intoxicatie alim apoi m-am simtit mai rau am tinut regim si am luat antihistaminice o saptamana insa am inceput sa fac febra...37,4-38 oscilanta.,am avut dureri de cap puternice de articulatii si muski doar pt cateva zile in sapt a3-a a4-a si diaree cam 1 luna fost investigat in 6 spitale si dupa 6 saptamani mi s-a descoperit trichineloza! Am inceput sa iau albendazol 2 sapt timp in care temp mea varia ... dimineata nu aveam apoi cum ma ridicam din pat crestea la 37 si apoi la 37.6,7 primele 5 sapt...apoi sub tratament a inceput sa scada pana la 37.2, dupa ce am lasat albendazole a inceput iar sa creasca pana la 37.6 insa f rar atinge aceasta luat si azitromicina ca ma durea capu si mi-a scazut la 37.2-4 acum.Temp creste la efort fizic si scade la repaus si cand dorm.Noaptea de asemenea scade la 37 pana sa adorm. E posibil sa fie de la trichineloza inca? sa mai fac pana se inkisteaza?sau sa fie altceva...restul analizelor sunt perfecte...singura investigatie care n-am facut-o este colonoscopie pt ca acuz dureri de colon in partea dreapta..insa si alea nu sunt mereu...mai mult pe stress si balonare.daca ma puteti lamuri as fi f recunoscator! Va multumesc anticipat
Adauga raspunsacum 14 ani
buna, cum te mai simti? as vrea sa discutam despre experienta ta...da-mi un mail pe sau add pe messenger (nadina_mru)
acum 14 ani
buna sunt adriana am si eu o probleme ,am fost diagnosticata cu enteromonas hominis ,si nici doctorul de la medicina interna nu a mai auzit de parazitul asta .imi creaza grave probleme de sanatate ,nu dorm noaptea constipatie urticarie anemie si lista ar mai continua ,daca ati auzit de parazitul asta ajutatima
acum 14 ani
Bine macar ca ai un diagnostic si macar stii pe unde sa cauti...
La mn nimeni nu stie ce am...asta e pb...
Multa sanatate !!! Incearca la Parazitologie Colentina Bucuresti !
Dar cine ti-a descoperit afectiunea eu zic ca are experienta si ar trebui sa stie cum se trateaza
acum 14 ani
Pt adriana , daca ai pe cineva sa iti traduca gasesti pe wikipedia, totul despre acest parazit
Enteromonas hominis
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Enteromonas hominis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Protista
(without clasif.) Excavata
Edge: Metamonada
Class: Eopharyngia
Order: Diplomonadida
Sort: Enteromonas
Species: E. hominis
Binomial name
Enteromonas hominis
Enteromonas hominis is protozoo flagellated pertaining to the Diplomonadida order that parasite the digestive tract of humans and other mammals.
* 1 general Characteristics
* 2 vital Cycle and infection
* 3 Pathogenicity
* 4 Epidemiology
* 5 It is also seen
* 6 References
* 7 external Enlaces
[to publish] Characteristic generals
* To present/display a size inferior to 10 μm.
* They lack certain orgánulos as they are mitocondrias and the apparatus of Golgi.
* It has a hospedador solely (monoxeno), he is cosmopolitan and it has two forms of life in his vital cycle:
o Trofozoíto: it presents/displays a size of 10 μm of length and one pear-shaped morphology. It owns a unique nucleus and 4 flagella, 3 previous with a function of motilidad and one appellant, longer, associated to citostoma, specialized zone through which obtains the food. The trofozoito is the vegetative form that is fed and it reproduces.
o Cyst: it presents/displays a size of 10 μm of length and one oval morphology. It owns 4 nuclei that get ready by pairs in both poles of the cell. The cyst is the infecting vegetative form and of resistance.
* Feeding by phagocytosis and pinocitosis of the intestinal content through the dorsal surface.
* Reproduction by longitudinal binary division. They do not present/display sexual reproduction.
[to publish] vital Cycle and infection
Enteromonas hominis lives in the form of trofozoito in the light of the thin intestine. When the enquistamiento begins loses flagella, it acquires an oval morphology, is surrounded by a quística wall and finally one double cariocinesis of the nucleus takes place, giving rise to 4 nuclei, which confers to the cyst the maturity state to him. The cysts, expelled next to lees, already are infecting. When these cysts are ingested by a new hospedador, they arrive at the duodeno, where the quística wall dissolves and give rise to new trofozoitos, thus closing his vital cycle.
[to publish] Pathogenicity
Enteromonas hominis is considered a parasite totally apatógeno, since it does not produce any type of group of symptoms nor visible pathology in the hospedador.
[to publish] Epidemiology
Enteromonas hominis infects so much to the man as to monkeys, pigs, rabbits and certain rodents. He is cosmopolitan, but it presents/displays one reduced prevalence in the man, around 0,2-0,8%.
[to publish] Is also seen
* Giardia lamblia.
* Chilomastix mesnili.
* Retortamonas intestinalis.
* Trichomonas vaginalis.
* Trichomonas tenax.
* Pentatrichomonas hominis.
* Dientamoeba fragilis.
[to publish] References
* Markell, E.K., Voge, M., and John D.T. 1990. - Medical Parasitology. Inter-American. McGraw-Hill. Madrid.
* Soulsby, E.J.L. 1987. - Parasitic Parasitology and diseases in the domestic animal. Inter-American. Mexico.
Practical Science
Enteromonas hominis
* Abbreviation: Ehom
* Size trophozoite: 4 - 10 microns
* Size cyst: 6 - 8 microns
* Enteromonas hominis is considered to non-pathogen AT this Time. It is to however an indicator like most non-pathogens of contact with faecal material.
* Recovered from stool in cyst and trophozoite form.
* The trophozoite resembles other flagellates therefore, cyst typical for the species must sees found to make to positive identification. If to cyst is not recovered it must sees reported ace small RACE flagellate with not cyst form found.
* The cysts, usually oval in shape cantain 1 - 2 polestar nuclei. The cyst is diagnostic ace mentioned to earlier.
* Previous The trophozoite contains one small nucleus. The cytoplasm stains unevenly making identification difficult.
Click on the image to enlarge.
E. hominis cysts E. hominis trophozoites
Notice the cysts polar dog have one or two nuclei. The cysts plows typically oval in shape. Although the trophozoite on the left is illustrated with flagella they plows rarely visible in a patients specimen. Please keep in mind that identification of to cyst is required to report Enteromonas hominis.
acum 14 ani
Enteromonas hominis is considered a parasite totally apatógeno, since it does not produce any type of group of symptoms nor visible pathology in the hospedador.
acum 11 ani
In interiorul celulei musculare larva creste in axul lung al celulei, incepe sa se rasuceasca in a 17-a zi si atinge lungimea maxima in ziua 20-a. Din ziua 21-a incepe incapsularea ,care se termina dupa 3 luni. Calcificarea incepe de la polii celulei si inainteaza spre mijlocul ei.Incepe la 6 luni si poate dura pana la 2 ani.In interiorul chistului ,chiar calcificat larva ramane viabila.
acum 11 ani
am avut si eu trichineloza spiralis severa avansata cu coloana mi au aparutsi mie dureri an partea dreapta eu am stat 4 luni an spital aveam febrade 42 de grd. asta vb de acum 3 ani si anca am urmari , dcaceacu e adresade mess.
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