Postata de danacrisa cu 14 ani in urma.
Simt un gust metalic in gura, la orice as manca, simt limba de parca nu e a mea pe partea pe care am avut anestezia la maseaua de minte. E adevarat ca trebuie luat zinc ? Mi-am distrus papilele gustative?
Adauga raspunsacum 14 ani
"About 2 weeks ago I went to the dentist to have a chipped tooth fixed. Everything seemed routine until, the next morning I woke up and the novocaine had not worn off my tongue. After 2 days of not being able to taste food or feel anything in 1/2 my tongue (including hot or cold) I called the dentist to confirm that this was not normal.
My dentist referred me to a specialist who confirmed that there was nerve damage from the injection. In the meantime, I began to experience shooting pains in my tongue and a sensation that it was badly burned, like from drinking hot coffee. The speicalist said this type of injury happens in about 1 in 400K injections and that the pain is part of the healing process, which he estimates will take 3 months.
About 1/4 of my tongue still does not taste anything, but tactile sensation is returning somewhat after 2 weeks. The burned sensation is getting better as well.
I wanted to post this story in case it helps someone who finds themselves in the same situation, with taste loss and a numb tongue following a novocaine injection for dental work. I am especially irritated since the chip that started this all was very minor and probably could have gone without being fixed."
acum 11 ani
buna seara,am si eu o antrebare ca nu mai stiu ce sa mai fac,sunt speriata rau,din septembrie a anceput sa ma usture limba rau deata cum tot,am fos la medic si am facut analize la sange si altele,se vede ca ami lipsea fierul si vitamina b12 din cate am anteles,acum sunt mai bine dar limba nu este asa cum trebuie ,este putin alba si parca zgarie asa,nu este cafitelata cum erea,dar e bine ca nu ma mai ustura,dar problema este ca acum simt de parca am fier metal an gura,cine ma poate ajuta multumesc mult de tot
acum 10 ani
buna ziua!Acum 2 zile am fost la medicul dentist pt o masea cariata(care a fost deja obturata pe canal acum mai bine de un an) iar acesta mi-a facut un fel de spalatura sa cv de genul ca n-am inteles prea bine.Dupa anestezie..incepand cu a 2-a zi simt un tremur la pleoapa de pe aceea parte..iar obreazul putin mai "gros"pe dinauntru..muschiul de sub ochi parca il simt cand se incordeaza..pot sa ma stramb sa fac orice numai spuneti-mi daca o sa mai persiste aceste senzatii si ce ar trebui sa fac?Va multumesc..
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