Gustul nu mai e acelasi dupa anestezie dentara

Afectiunile cavitatii bucale Tremur postanestezic Gura uscata

Postata de danacrisa cu 13 ani in urma.

Simt un gust metalic in gura, la orice as manca, simt limba de parca nu e a mea pe partea pe care am avut anestezia la maseaua de minte. E adevarat ca trebuie luat zinc ? Mi-am distrus papilele gustative?

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acum 13 ani

Cand ai avut anestezia ? Zincul nu ajuta la asa ceva decat din intamplare. Nu ai papilele distruse ci numai nervii blocati de la anestezic. Exista remedii homeopate care antidoteaza efectul anestezicului.


acum 13 ani

Multumesc mult, am avut anestezia pe 15 septembrie, pentru maseaua de minte, si mi-a facut de 2 ori anestezia ca nu prindea. Ce remedii , va rog?

Dr. Nicoleta Grosu

acum 13 ani

Limba e amortita ?
Daca da, atunci vitamine din complexul B.


acum 13 ani

Da, putin. Si e suficient vitamina B?

Dr. Nicoleta Grosu

acum 13 ani

Ar trebui sa fie suficient. Nervul a fost afectat si vitamina B ajuta la refacerea lui.


acum 13 ani

Nu pot sa zic daca te ajuta vitamina B. Insa care din ele, caci sunt multe B-uri ?
Ai remarcat si alte simptome ? Schimbari ? Salivatie marita, gura uscata, transpiratie pe undeva ?
Ai plombe cu amalgam in gura ? Cati ani ai ?


acum 13 ani

Hahaha!! ai auzit de complex de B-uri? se pare ca nu! :)


acum 13 ani

Am 42 de ani, nu stiu daca plombele sunt cu amalgam, parca am gura mai uscata. Transpiratie nu in mod excesiv.


acum 13 ani

Sunt plombe metalice de culoare neagra-gri-argintie ?


acum 13 ani

Am 42 de ani, si alte simptome in afara de gura uscata nu am. Nu stiu daca plombele sunt cu amalgam dar sunt albe.


acum 13 ani

Ionescu face reclama la remedii homeopate inutile, deci te sfatuiesc calduros sa respecti ce ti-a spus un doctor adevarat, doamna dr Grosu, care a ajutat multi pacienti pe acest site.


acum 13 ani

Dupa cum ti-a recomandat d-na Dr mergi la farmacie si cere Vitamina B complex(acesta contineB1, B2, B6, B5)


acum 13 ani

Multumesc mult de tot.Sanatate multa!


acum 13 ani

Ai sete (nu cat bei, ci senzatia de sete) ?
Pielea este uscata, umeda, normala ?
Buze uscate, crapate ?
Suferi de constipatie ?
(in homeopatie se pun multe intrebari, multe nelegate direct de afectiune - spre deosebire de alopatie - caci nu exista un medicament/remediu care sa ajute la toti si aceste intrebari sunt necesare pt. diferentierea remediilor. Pe fraierii care nu stiu nimic de homeopatie lasa-i sa vorbeasca)


acum 13 ani

Mi-e sete momentan fiindca am mancat ceva sarat cred aseara, parizer, care de pacaleste ca e bun dar contine multa sare, dar in general nu prea beau apa , mai mult cafea,
Nu am pielea uscata
Nu am buze crapate
Nu sufar de constipatie
In general nu mai simt gustul mancarii dupa anestezie, decat partial, pe partea cealalta a limbii.

Un caz similar din alt forum

acum 13 ani

"Dupa o vizita obisnuita la dentist, ocazie cu care am fost supus unei anestezii( injectie), am realizat ca orice maninc nu mai are gust. Doar o senzatie de gust "metalic", ca atunci cind pui o lingura de metal pe limba. As fi recunoscator daca poate cineva sa-mi dea o explicatie sau sa-mi spuna daca este doar temporar ori permanent. Va multumesc anticipat! Salutari, Nicu"


acum 13 ani

Daca te hotaresti pt. vitaminele B nu are rost sa-ti mai caut un remediu homeopat.
Daca nu te ajuta atunci vi aici si spui din nou.

Un alt caz similar (in engleza)

acum 13 ani

"Was getting a filing done on right lower molar. Got a novocaine injection; after 4 min or so was asked if lower lip numb- it was not - these steps were repeated until I had gotten possibly 4-5 injections of novocaine. The right side of my tonque was numb. This was done on July 17. I''m not sure that
it was novocaine; I''m just assuming it was. I can not taste coffee - it tastes like water. I can not
taste lite beer. Unsalted Mexican restaurant chips taste even more than usually like cardboard. At first I could not taste grapefruit - this has improved. It''s as though I can taste the highlights, but
no longer any nuances; I seem to be at a plateau - it''s not improving much from day to day. The pleasure of taste is not something I want to lose..
Had I do do it over again, I would have prefered either just 1 shot of novocaine or none it all.
Is there anything I can do? Will I be able to taste fully again? Has anyone ever experienced this?"


acum 13 ani

Yes, I am feeling just like you, after a molar extraction for which I had been anestezied 2 times. I''ve received a medical answer, to search at the drugstore Vitamine B complex, because the nerve is blocked.

Inca doua cazuri

acum 13 ani

Taste disturbance in two patients after dental anesthesia by inferior alveolar nerve block.

Hotta M, Endo S, Tomita H.

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.

We report two cases of temporary taste disturbance after inferior alveolar nerve block. The first patient to present with this rare complication of anesthesia for dental surgery was a 41-year-old woman. She lost the sense of taste on the left side of her tongue after local anesthesia for treatment of a left mandibular molar and first visited our outpatient clinic complaining of taste disorder 3 months later. Electrogustometry (EGM) and filter paper disk (FPD) testing revealed a taste disturbance in the innervation area of the left chorda tympani nerve and atrophy of the fungiform papillae on the left side of the tongue was observed. Eleven months after the dental treatment, the fungiform papillae and the results of EGM were normal. The second patient, a 22-year-old woman, received local anesthetic for extraction of a right mandibular molar and subsequently developed loss of taste on the right side of the tongue. When she visited our outpatient clinic 3 months later, atrophy of the fungiform papillae on the right side was observed. Her gustatory sense began to improve 4 months after the dental surgery and was normal at 13 months. From these findings we conclude that taste disturbance on the same side as the inferior alveolar nerve block in each case was due to direct injury to the chorda tympani and lingual nerves during administration of the local anesthetic. The results of EGM and FPD testing were diagnostic: atrophy of the fungiform papillae on the same side and disappearance of taste on the same side in the intravenous taste test provided complementary diagnostic information. The outcome was satisfactory in both cases"

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