Dr. Coziana Ciurtin

Medic specialist reumatologie


• 1994 - 2000 - UMF "Carol Davila", Facultatea de Medicina - Doctor-medic
• 2000-2002 - Catedra de Biofizica si Biotehnologie Celulara, UMF "Carol Davila"- Master in Biofizica si Biotehnologie Celulara
• 2005 - prezent - Catedra de Medicina Interna si Reumatologie - Preparator Universitar
• 2007-prezent - Catedra de Biofizica si Biotehnologie Celulara, UMF "Carol Davila" Doctor in Stiinte Medicale

Titluri stiintifice

• Master in medicina - specialitatea Biofizica si Biotehnologie Celulara - lucrare de disertatie cu tema: "Determinarea metabolitilor din urina prin metoda spectroscopiei de rezonanta magnetica a protonului"
• Doctor in Stiinte Medicale - specialitatea biofizica - teza de doctorat cu tema: "Explorarea fizio-patogenica a sinovialei articulare in variate boli reumatismale folosind metode biofizice moderne"

Experienta profesionala

• februarie 1998 - ian 2002 - Serviciul de Ambulanta "SOS" - Dispatcher si Secretar medical
• ianuarie 2000- decembrie 2001 - Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta - medic stagiar
• ianuarie 2001 - prezent - Spitalul "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" - Clinica de Medicina Interna si Reumatologie - Medic rezident - Specializarea Reumatologie
• mai 2001 - prezent - Laboratorul National RMN, Fundatia Spectroteam for Romania - Cercetator
• iulie 2003- prezent - GP&S Medical Center - Medic rezident - Specializarea Reumatologie
• ianuarie 2004 - mai 2005 - Clinica "SOS" Emergency and Ambulance Services - Medic rezident - Specializarea Reumatologie
• octombrie 2005-prezent - UMF Carol Davila - Spitalul "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" - Clinica de Medicina Interna si Reumatologie - Preparator Universitar - Specializarea Reumatologie si Medicina Interna
• ianuarie 2007-prezent - UMF Carol Davila - Spitalul "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" - Clinica de Medicina Interna si Reumatologie - Medic specialist - Specializarea Reumatologie
• martie 2007-prezent - UMF Carol Davila - Spitalul "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" - Clinica de Medicina Interna si Reumatologie - Doctor in Stiinte Medicale
• prezent - UMF Carol Davila- Preparator Universitar- specialitatea Medicina Interna si Reumatologie, Doctor in Stiinte Medicale

Membru al asociatiilor profesionale

• 2000 - prezent Colegiul National al Medicilor din Romania
• 2001 - prezent Societatea Romana de Reumatologie
• 2002 - prezent Societatea Romana de Istoria Medicinii
• 2003 - prezent International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
• 2005 - prezent British Phisiological Society

Alte specializari si calificari

• 2007 - International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to therapy- Milano, March 2007

• 2007 - Curs International - Prof. E:. Carwile LeRoy Memorial International Workshop on Scleroderma - Tokyo, May 2007

• 2007 - Lecturer la Expozitia de Aparatura Medicala ROMEXPO mai 2007

• 2005 - 2006 - Junior Fellowship of British Physiological Society for calcium channels study in synoviocytes - University of Leeds, Institute of Systems and Biomembrane.

• Whole body small animal optical imaging-International Workshop - Toulouse, noiembrie-decembrie, 2005

• 10th EULAR postgraduate course in Rheumatology, Copenhagen, octombrie 2005

• International School of Biophysics- "Modern Biophysical Techniques for Human Health'' - Brasov, septembrie 2005

• Studiul canalelor ionice membranare la nivelul sinoviocitelor - implicatii in artrita reumatoida - School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Leeds, iunie-septembrie 2005

• 8th EULAR postgraduate course in Rheumatology, Prague, noiembrie 2004

• International Workshop on Cell Physiology, The Physiological Society, Sankt Petersburg, oct.2004

• Workshop International "Basics and Advanced Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Localized Spectroscopy", Romanian Cultural Foundation and International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Brasov, iunie 2004

• International Workshop - TB: the Global Emergency - realizat in paralel cu "12th Annual International Ain Shams Congress", Cairo, februarie 2004

• ‘Rheumatology and clinic epidemiology'' - EULAR course - R. Landewe, D. van der Heijde from University Hospital Maastricht, Bucuresti, noiembrie 2003.

• International School of Biophysics- "Non-invasive Biophysical Methods and their application in Biology and Medicine" - Predeal, octombrie 2003

• Scoala Internationala de Neurostiinte "Ischemia/hipoxia creierului - metode experimentale si mecanisme fundamentale", Bucuresti, 26-27 septembrie 2003

• Curs de terapie genica - ‘Aproches pluridisciplinaires de la therapie genique: du transfert de gene a la clinique'' - Universite Europeene d''ete, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, sept 2003

• Asistent in cadrul Cursului de Urgente Medicale pentru studentii Facultatii de Stomatologie realizat de catre Spitalul de Urgenta Bucuresti, Ministerul Educatiei si Invatamantului si Societatea Studentilor în Medicina- octombrie-decembrie 2002

• Workshop International "Basics and Advanced Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Localized Spectroscopy", Romanian Cultural Foundation and International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Neptun, iulie 2002

• Workshop International "Basics and Advanced Applications of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Localized Spectroscopy", Romanian Cultural Foundation and International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Sinaia iulie 2001

• Program de garzi de medicina de urgenta, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenta Bucuresti, Cabinetul Medical de Prim Ajutor Nr. 1, Functia Intern,1998 - 2002

• Cursul de Prim Ajutor Medical Specializat - Diploma, 1998

• Bursa de Chirurgie Generala - "Haccetepe" University, Ankara, 1998

Experienta acumulata in programe de cercetare stiintifica

• Centru de Excelenta de Biotehnologie Celulara (PNCDI VIASAN 185/2002) - membru fondator - iulie 2002- iulie 2004
• Studiul biofizic al alterarilor/modificarilor celulare induse de radiatia de microunde din domeniul telefoniei GSM (PNCDI VIASAN 177/2002) - executant - iulie 2002- mai 2005
• Folosirea metodei de spectroscopie de rezonanta magnetica a protonului in studiul dezordinilor metabolice (CNCSIS 158/2005) - Director de proiect - martie 2005-oct 2006
• Executant - aprilie 2006- septembrie 2008

Lucrari comunicate in cadrul unor manifestari stiintifice

1. C. Ciurtin, V.M.Cojocaru - Metabolic composition of sclerodermic synovial fluid, Prof. E:. Carwile LeRoy Memorial International Workshop on Scleroderma- Tokyo, Mai 2007 - Bursa acordata de EUSTAR, Asociatia Europeana de studiu al Sclerodermiei.

2. M.V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin - Two dimensional tear electrophoresis in the patients with Scleroderma, Prof. E. Carwile LeRoy Memorial International Workshop on Scleroderma- Tokyo, Mai 2007

3. C. Ciurtin, I. Miron, M. V. Cojocaru, S. Micu, I. Ancuta, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, Correlation between plasmatic and monocytic membrane cholesterol levels and the response to the antiviral treatment in hepatitis C, European Congress of Internal Medicine, Lisabona Mai 2007

4. C.Ciurtin, S. Micu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, Correlation between cholesterol plasma levels in chronic C hepatitis patients with the response to the antiviral treatment, Congresul National de Medicina Interna, Calimanesti, Aprilie 2007.

5. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, F. Preda, V. Stoica - Complex mtabolic composition of synovial fluid in scleroderma detected by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to therapy, Milano, Martie 2007 - Premiu pentru cel mai bun abstract

6. M.V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, F.Antohe, Two dimensional tear electrophoresis in the patients with Scleroderma, , International Workshop Systemic Sclerosis, Gene-polymorphism, clinical variants and response to therapy, Milano, Martie 2007 - Premiu pentru cel mai bun abstract

7. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, S.Micu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, Synovial fluid analysis in rheumatoid arthritis vs osteoarthritis -correlation to the different pathogenesis of the diseases, Zilele Spitalului Cantacuzino, Bucuresti, Februarie 2007

8. C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, F. Preda, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, S. Micu, M. Milicescu, M. Bojinca, V. Stoica, E. Kovacs, Quantification of citrulline and ceramide levels in rheumatoid arthritis synovial fluid by proton magnetic spectroscopy, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam, June 2006

9. M. Bojinca, V. Bojinca, M. Milicescu, A. Martin, C.Ciurtin, A. Rasanu, S. Micu, V.Stoica - Functional status and pain level in patients with chronic low back pain before and after standardised exercise program, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR , Amsterdam, June 2006

10. V. M. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Puchianu, F. Antohe, Characterisation of tear fluid proteins - diagnostic tool in Sjogren syndrome, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam, June 2006.

11. M. Bojinca, V. Bojinca, M. Milicescu, A. Martin, C.Ciurtin, V.Stoica, - Spinal stenosis-complication of osteoporotic vertebral fractures, European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR, Amsterdam, June 2006.

12. V.M. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, P. Grecu, I.O. Ionescu, C, Dumitrescu - The surgical treatment and clinical outcomes of traumatic cataracts - German Congress of Ophthalmology, Berlin, 2006

13. C. Ciurtin, A. Nicolescu, O. Costan, L.I.Stefan, V.Stoica, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu, I.C.P.Smith - H NMR urine analysis of type II diabetic patients - International Autumn School- ‘Modern Biophysical Techniques for Human Health'' - Brasov, octombrie 2005

14. C.Ciurtin, V.M.Cojocaru, I.M.Miron, A.Niculescu, S.Micu, F.Preda, M.Bojinca, M.Milicescu, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, V.Stoica - Caracteristici metabolice ale lichidului sinovial din poliartrita reumatoida vs artroza- Congresul National de Reumatologie - Brasov, septembrie 2005

15. V.M.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, E.Puchianu, F.Antohe, S.Micu - Nivelurile salivare ale lizozimului si lactoferinei in diagnosticul precoce al sindromului Sjogren secundar - Congresul National de Reumatologie - Brasov, septembrie 2005

16. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe, K.Katsos - Early diagnosis of secondary Sjogren''s syndrome using complex amalysis of tear secretion - 15th European Society of Ophthalmology & 103th German Society of Ophthalmology Congress, Berlin, septembrie 2005

17. C. Ciurtin, O. Costan, A.Nicolescu, C.Deleanu, V. Stoica, E.Kovacs, I.C.P.Smith - A critical assessment of the information provided by H-NMR spectrosocpy of urine on the renal involvement in type II diabetic patients - 15 th IUPAB& 5 th Ebsa International Biophysics Congress, Montpellier, august 2005

18. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe, Complex analysis of human tear secretion- diagnosis method of ocular diseases - 15 th IUPAB& 5 th Ebsa International Biophysics Congress, Montpellier, august 2005

19. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca , C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs,- Characterisation of complex metabolic environment of synovial fluid - relation to the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases - Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Viena, iunie 2005

20. V.M Cojocaru, E.Puchianu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe, K.Katsos - The early diagnosis of secondary Sjogren''s syndrome using complex amalysis of tear secretion - Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, Viena, iunie 2005

21. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs - A new assessment of the complex metabolic composition of urine in type II diabetes mellitus - Fouth Medical Scientific Conference for young doctors, Pleven, mai 2005

22. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, M. Bojinca - Characterization of complex metabolic environment of synovial fluid - relation to the pathogenesis of rheumatoid diseases - International Workshop on Cell Physiology, The Physiological Society, Sankt Petersburg, octombrie 2004

23. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe - Diagnosticarea sindromului Sjogren secundar utilizand electroforeza proteinelor lacrimale - Congresul National de Reumatologie, Craiova, septembrie 2004
24. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs - Evaluarea componentelor metabolice din lichidul articular prin spectroscopie de rezonanta magnetica a protonului - Congresul National de Reumatologie, Craiova, septembrie 2004

25. V. Pop, C. Ciurtin, I. Florea, S. Stoian, E. Negru, etc. - Tolerabilitatea corticoterapiei in poliartrita reumatoida - studiu clinic pe 196 pacienti - Congresul National de Reumatologie, Craiova, septembrie 2004

26. C. Ciurtin, O. Simionescu, I. Miron, V.M. Cojocaru - Eficacitatea tratamentului fizioterapic in afectiunile osteoarticulare - Congresul National de Reumatologie, Craiova, septembrie 2004

27. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, V. Cojocaru, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs, M. Bojinca - "Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of synovial fluid - a possibility to detect potential diagnostic indicators for rheumatis diseases" - EULAR Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - Berlin, iunie 2004

28. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe - "Sjoegren syndrome diagnosis using two dimensional tear proteins electrophoresis at the patients with different rheumatic diseases" - EULAR- Annual European Congress of Rheumatology - Berlin, iunie 2004

29. V. Cojocaru, E. Pucheanu, C. Ciurtin, F. Antohe - "Analiza elecroforetica a secretiei lacrimale la pacientii cu boli reumatismale" - A XXII - a Sesiune Stiintifica anuala a Societatii Nationale de Biologie Celulara - Sighisoara, iunie 2004

30. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu , M. Bojinca - "Looking inside the joint" by using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of synovial fluid - 11th Congress of Medical Sciences, Groeningen, iunie 2004

31. V. Cojocaru, C. Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe - "The diagnosis of secondarz Sjogren Syndrome using tear protein electrophoresis" - 11th Congress of Medical Sciences, Groeningen, iunie 2004

32. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan,, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs - "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy as a complemantary analysis of synovial fluid for rheumatic diseases diagnosis" - First award for oral therapeutical presentation - " International Congress of Medical Sciences", Sofia, mai 2004

33. C. Ciurtin, O.Costan, M. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs - "Rolul analizei complexe a lichidului sinovial în întelegerea patogenezei bolilor reumatice inflamatorii"- prezentare orala - Congresul National pentru studenti si tineri medici - Bucuresti, aprilie 2004, Premiul I - Sectiunea Stiinte Medicale.

34. V.M.Cojocaru, V.Coviltir, C.Ciurtin - "Eficacitatea interventiei chirurgicale combinate pentru cataracta si glaucom in controlul tensiunii intraoculare" - prezentare orala - Congresul National pentru studenti si tineri medici - Bucuresti, aprilie 2004

35. C.Ciurtin, V.Pop, R.M.Visan, A.Nisanian, M.Bojinca - "Rolul medicatiei protectoare cardiovasculare in atenuarea fenomenelor inflamatorii din poliartrita reumatoida" - prezentare orala - Congresul National de Medicina Interna cu participare internationala - Tg.Mures, aprilie 2004

36. V.Pop, M.Milicescu, A. Ciobotaru, M.Tache, C.Ciurtin, R.M.Visan, M.Bojinca, V.Stoica - "Inflamatia în ateroscleroza si în sindroamele coronariene acute" - prezentare orala - Congresul National de Medicina Interna cu participare internationala - Tg.Mures, aprilie 2004

37. C.Ciurtin, R.Iannescu, V.Cojocaru, M.Bojinca - "Pattern-uri de asocieri comorbide in functie de grupele de varsta" - poster - Congresul National de Medicina Interna cu participare internationala - Tg.Mures, aprilie 2004

38. A.Rasanu, D.Andries, C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca, V.Stoica - "Aspergiloza pulmonara la un pacient cu lupus eritematos sistemic" - poster - Congresul National de Medicina Interna cu participare internationala - Tg.Mures, aprilie 2004

39. C.Ciurtin, O.Costan, M. Bojinca, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs - "Biochemical and proton magnetic resonance spectrocopy of synovial fluid - a possibility to characterize the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases" - 12th Annual International Ain Shams Congress"- prezentare orala - Cairo, februarie 2004

40. V.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin, E. Pucheanu, F. Antohe - "Tear protein electrophoresis at the patients with inflammatory systemic diseases" - 12th Annual International Ain Shams Congress" - prezentare orala - Cairo, februarie 2004

41. C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu - "Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urine - a possibility of early detection of renal involvement in type II diabetic patients" -oral presentation- 14 th European Students'' Conference - Berlin, november 2003 - Award for the best oral presentation on diabetes-endocrinology section of the congress.

42. C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca, A. Rasanu, G.Belu - "Dificultati terapeutice intr-un caz de gonartroza secundara" - poster - Zilele Spitalului "Dr.I.Cantacuzino" - Bucuresti, noiembrie 2003.

43. A.Rasanu, D.Andries, C.Ciurtin, M.Bojinca - " Lupus eritematos sistemic complicat cu aspergiloza pulmonara - prezentare de caz - poster - Zilele Spitalului "Dr.I.Cantacuzino" - Bucuresti, noiembrie 2003 - Premiul pentru cel mai bun poster.

44. C.Ciurtin - "Identification of renal involvement using biochemical tests and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in urine of diabetic patients " - oral presentation -7-th National Biophysics Conference, Predeal, octombrie 2003

45. C.Ciurtin, L.I.Stefan, O.Costan, E.Kovacs, C.Deleanu - "Measurement of early metabolic disorders in urine due to type II diabetes mellitus using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy" - poster - International School of Biophysics, Predeal, octombrie 2003

46. V. Pop, R.M.Visan, A. Stancu, D. Neicu, M.Piper, C. Ciurtin, M.Ilinca, I.Dutu, etc. - "Afectarea digestiva în poliartrita reumatoida - studiu clinic si paraclinic realizat pe 300 pacienti " - poster - Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare internationala - Cluj, septembrie 2003

47. V. Pop, R.M. Visan, A. Stancu, D.Neicu, C. Ciurtin, M.Piper, M. Ilinca, I.Dutu, etc. - "Afectarea hepatica in poliartrita reumatoida - studiu realizat pe 300 pacienti - poster - Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare internationala - Cluj, septembrie 2003

48. O. Costan, C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, C.Deleanu, E.Kovacs - " NMR Spectroscopy applied to nutrition and metabolism" - prezentare orala - International Congress of Organic Chemistry - Bucharest, Septembrie 2003.

49. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, F.Antohe - "Terapia biologica in poliartrita reumatoida" - poster - Conferinta Nationala de Biologie Celulara - Zalau, septembrie 2003

50. V.Pop, L.Macovei, R.M. Visan, C. Ciurtin, D. Neicu, A. Stancu, S.Dinu, etc. - "Evaluarea ultrasonografica a densitatii minerale osoase in Lupusul eritematos sistemic." - poster - Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare internationala - Cluj, septembrie 2003

51. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, I. Miron, D. Antipov, M.Bojinca - "Particularitatile incidentei bolilor reumatice raportate pe grupe de varsta" - poster - Congresul National de Reumatologie cu participare internationala - Cluj, septembrie 2003

52. C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru - "Particularities of ocular manifestation in rheumatic diseases " -prezentare orala - International Congress of Medical Sciences - Sofia, mai 2003 - Third award for clinical (oral ) presentation.

53. M.Cojocaru, C.Ciurtin - "Bilateral anterior tuberculosis uveitis -diagnosis and treatment difficulties " - prezentare orala - International Congress of Medical Sciences - Sofia , mai 2003

54. L.I. Stefan, C.Ciurtin, E. Kovacs, M. Manolescu - "Performance of thyroid stimulating hormone detection by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA)and by Electrochemiluminiscence (ECL) on Roche Elecsys 1010 analyzer in a busy routine laboratory" - poster - International Congress of Medical Sciences - Sofia, mai 2003

55. C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O. Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu, "Identification and measurement of urine metabolites using the method of Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy" - poster- International Congress for Medical Sciences - Leiden, martie 2003

56. C. Ciurtin, L.I. Stefan, O. Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu, " Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy - identification and measurement of metabolites " - prezentare orala - "Carol Davila"International Congress for students and young doctors - Premiul pentru cea mai buna lucrare la sectiunea "preclinic" - Bucuresti, noiembrie 2002

57. L.I. Stefan, C.Ciurtin, O.Costan, M.Huica, I.M.Petre, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu - "Identificarea si dozarea unor metaboliti folosind metoda de spectroscopie de rezonanta magnetica a protonului " - poster - Conferinta nationala de Chimie Organica si Anorganica - Calimanesti, Octombrie 2002.

58. C. Ciurtin, S. Dinu, A. Rasanu, M.Bojinca, "Tumora renala si durerea lombara cronica - prezentare de caz" - poster - Conferinta Nationala de Reumatologie - Mangalia, septembrie 2002.

59. S.Dinu, C.Ciurtin, A. Rasanu, M.Bojinca, V. Stoica, "Particularitati ale Poliartritei Reumatoide la un pacient cu multiple afectari tumorale" - poster - Conferinta de Reumatologie - Mangalia, septembrie 2002.

60. V. Pop, L. Macovei, M. Bojinca, R. Visan, M. Sasu, J. Ilinca, M. Chircu, D. Deculescu, S. Dinu, F. Preda, A. Cochino, I. Dutu, C. Stentel, C. Ciurtin, M. Teodosiu, A. Shorab, S. Suteanu, V. Stoica- "Particularitatile de tratament ale pacientilor cu poliartrita reumatoida" - poster - Conferinta de Reumatologie - Mangalia, septembrie 2002.

61. M. Bojinca, A.Rasanu, S. Dinu, C. Ciurtin, M.Grancea, M. Vasilescu, D. Deculescu, M. Teodosiu - " olosirea scorului de activitate DAS 28 in aprecierea unor cazuri severe de poliartrita reumatoida" - poster - Conferinta de Reumatologie - Mangalia, septembrie 2002.

Lucrari publicate si in curs de publicare

• Shang-Zhong Xu, Piruthivi Sukumar, Fanning Zeng, Jing Li, Amit Jairaman, Anne English, Jacqueline Naylor, Coziana Ciurtin, Yasser Majeed, Carol JMilligan, Yahya M Bahnasi, Eman AL-Shawaf, Karen E Porter, Lin-Hua Jiang, Paul Emery, Asipu Sivaprasadarao, David J Beech1, TRPC channel stimulation by extracellular thioredoxin, Nature 2006-05-05378B-ZR. In press for November 2007.

• C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, A. Ciobotaru, V. Stoica, S. Suteanu, Cardio-vascular risck evaluation in rheumatoid arthritic population, Medicina Moderna, in press

• C. Ciurtin, A. Nicolescu, L. Stefan, C. Deleanu, E. Kovacs, Assessment of diabetic urine composition using H1-MRS method, Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2007, 24(5), 34-42, ISI score

• C.Ciurtin, I.Ancuta, M.Milicescu, V. Stoica, Correlation between cholesterol plasma levels in chronic C hepatitis patients with the response to the antiviral treatment, Revista de Medicina Interna, 2007, in press

• C. Ciurtin, V. M. Cojocaru, F: Andrei, V. Stoica, Identifiacation and cuatification of citrullin and ceramide levels in rheumatoid arthritic synovial fluid, Revista de Reumatologie vol XIV; in press
• A.Tomi, V. M.Cojocaru, C.Preda, C. Ciurtin, The value of angiofluorography in serous central retinopathy diagnosis, Oftalmologia. 2006;50(4):30-2, index for PubMed

• V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, E Puchianu, F. Antohe - Lacrimal proteins electrophoretic analysis-diagnostic method in secondary Sjogren syndrome, Oftalmologia. 2006;50(4):60-3, index for PubMed

• C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, I.M. Miron, F. Preda, M. Milicescu, M. Bojinca, O.Costan, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, E. Kovacs, V. Stoica - Correlation between different components of synovial fluid and the pathogenesis of Rheumatic diseases - Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine, 2006, 44, 2, 171-183, index for Pub Med

• V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, E Puchianu, F. Antohe - Electrophoretic analysis of lacrimal proteins-diagnostic method in secondary Sjogren Syndrome- Oftalmologia, 2006; 50(3): 3-5 - index for Pub Med

• V.M Cojocaru. C. Ciurtin, M. Pop, A. Tomi, P. Grecu - Ophthlamological involvment in rheumatic diseases - Oftalmologia,2006; 50(2): 56-61 - index for Pub Med

• C. Ciurtin, V.M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, F. Andrei, V. Stoica, S. Suteanu - Quatification of ceramide level in synovial fluid as an indirect marker of apoptosis - Medicina Moderna 2006, vol XIII, nr. 8, 399-403.

• C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, S. Micu, M. Bojinca, S. Suteanu - Inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis- new therapeutical approach - Medicina Moderna 2005, vol XIII nr. 11, 566-571.

• C. Ciurtin, M. Bojinca, O. Costan, E. Kovacs, C. Deleanu -Analysis of synovial fluid composition in different pathologies- Revista de Reumatologie vol 4 (XII), 2005

• C. Ciurtin, M. Cojocaru, M. Bojinca, S. Suteanu- Patterns of ocular involvement in rheumatic diseases - Medicina Moderna 2004, vol XI, nr. 12, 623-627.

• M. Milicescu , V. Pop, C. Ciurtin , C. M. Mihai, M. Tache, A. Ciobotaru , R. M. Visan , M. Bojinca , V. Stoica , St. Suteanu - Inflammation in atherosclerosis and acute coronarian syndromes - Medicina Moderna 2004, vol XI, nr. 9, 545-553.

• C. Ciurtin, C. R. Badea, V. Pop, R. M. Visan, M. Bojinca - Comparative study of remitent therapy in rheumatoid arthritis - Revista de Reumatologie 2003, 3-4, volumul XI , p 52-57.

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